The thirty day challenge isn’t about sales. Ideally you’ll make a few dollars, but it’s really a full month of market research. Find a niche, find traffic in that niche, see if that traffic consists of buyers. My old niche didn’t have enough buyers.
In that light, the market research was actually quite successful. Craig and I learned within a month that our niche wasn’t worth pursuing, before we invested a single dollar and before we invested large amounts of time. Ed Dale says that every internet business he starts begins through this process.
So, we don’t really have a choice. Thirty Day Challenge, round 2, here I come! Craig and I did some preliminary niche research yesterday and I found a few ideas I liked. One of them actually had a huge payout and terrible looking AdWords competition, so I threw up a few Google ads while I was at it and hopefully will even make a few bucks on the side off of that.