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Niels Hoven

How I learn a foreign language

I’m on book four (libro cuatro) of the Harry Potter series in Spanish. I might actually finish all six books before I have to head back to Seattle. We’ll see, though. They’re getting pretty long.

I tried Winnie the Pooh (“Winny de Puh”) as well, but I just like Harry Potter more. (Side note: the Spanish translation of “heffalump” is “pelifante”.)

French is going a bit slower. I’m working my way through Pimsleur French, an oral program. It’s tough – I’m definitely a visual learner.

Since I discovered while learning Italian that I learn better if I’m doing something else at the same time, I’m also teaching myself guitar. I like it. It’s hard to motivate myself to do a french lesson everyday, but since I’m also playing guitar, I feel like I’m making twice as much progress. Awesome.