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Niels Hoven

Onward into the unknown

Gonzaga was a great experience, but didn’t leave me with the warm glowing feeling I was hoping for. While I enjoyed working with my audience, honestly, they would have gone about their lives perfectly happily had they not heard me speak. And knowing that makes it hard to market myself, at least until I find something I’m more passionate about.

So I’ll continue looking into speaking gigs, but the bulk of my effort is going elsewhere. I’m thinking sales now. Reentering the workforce in a technological sales job is one possibility. It would allow me to combine my tech background with my people skills, two things I enjoy. Plus, there aren’t many people with both those skill sets, which makes me a valuable commodity.

Another option is finding an interesting foreign product already in existence and selling it here. Or, even more excitingly, designing my own, finding someone to manufacture it, and selling it here. I met two guys at a Northwest Internet Advertising Group networking event who did exactly that with disposable cock rings and have a beautiful rags to riches story as a result.

And that’s why my roommate and I have been tossing around sex toy ideas for the past two days. It turns out we’re actually pretty good at this, as we’ve come up with a number of product ideas that have recently appeared on the market, including 2007’s vibrator of the year. Not bad for two days of brainstorming.

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  • Cameron

    You filthy beast you! I’m telling your mom!

  • Jeremy

    what sort of technological sales? Sounds like something I’d be interested in pursuing as well.

  • Tech sales would most likely involve me going back into the workforce. I’m hoping to avoid it, but if my funds run too low, a sales job for a technology startup appeals to me.

  • Jack

    Damnit Niels! Your my poster child for avoiding 9-5 work at all costs! Revolt! Resist! Rebel!